OG Advertising | AD Agency

Evolution: Not Just a theory!

Times change People change The identities of organizations—although not all—change right along with them.

Times change People change The identities of organizations—although not all—change right along with them. Evolution can be a powerful ally for designers and brand builders to re-energize the essence of a brand, however, something more than the logo might need to change.

As the philosophers say, change is the only constant in life. Life is flux, and people evolve to progress. The brand needs to keep up with the changes too!

Something is changing at OG Advertising too!

We are Evolving….....


The main reason for evolution is to take a step ahead.  OG Advertising is precisely doing the same, expanding our limits, and stepping into the new territory of growth. 

We are coming with a brand new website, a brand new approach, and a clearer vision.

Before this, we were doing Great with our work. 
But then we thought, is "Great" good enough for us?
Is this the best we can do?
Is this our true potential?

When you start thinking about this, you start walking on the right track.
Challenging yourself gets the best out of you.
Striving for more and pushing your limits to the max.

From the beginning, our philosophy has been the same, 
"Most ambitious expectations aim for simplicity."
We always have been taking the simplest of approaches for our clients to connect with them, understand their needs, and create their vision
with our creativity.

Our website needs to stand with our philosophy too.
It is, after all, the first impression we make on you as a brand.

So, the website was designed by our team, keeping the minimalist approach.
The OG AD website has been built using HTML5 and Php Framework.

The Journey!

With time, we have always grown as a team. OG Advertising is nothing less than a family.
Creativity comes from the heart, and in our family, our hearts are all connected like a series.
The aura each one carries in our work-space makes it more fun, loving, and playful experience.

The creatives on the website were rendered by our 3D artists to leave a lasting impression.

From our perspective, there is never a dull day with our OG People!


Our main goal was to achieve simplicity.
It is a complex process, but we are glad we achieved the same.

There is no doubt we work for success here.
But more than that, we work for creativity.

Bringing emotions to you with our holistic approach through our website is our primary goal.

The focus of our website was to depict ourselves as a brand that evolves each day with you.

We want to interact with you and understand you better!

Thus, our website uses audio cues when clicked on the menu and allows users to connect with you via WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram DM.

More updates will happen in the upcoming v 2.0 and v3.0 versions.

The OG Theory!

We are not a team because we work together, but a team because we respect, trust, and create together!

Building great relationships with our clients by delivering the highest standard of work through innovation and originality is what OG stands for. 

We estimate success, not by the profits we make but by the appreciation we get from our clients. 

OG Advertising: Let’s Be Original!

Website: ogad.agency More Blogs: https://ogad.agency/blog.php

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